The plinth area 10 m x 5 m size rearing house having tin or thatch roofing with 1.5 m varandah all around is ideal for accommodating 100 dfls for commercial silkworm rearing per crop.
Late stage Rear maximum 300 nos. of 5th instar worms per 3 ft x 3 ft diameter tray.
Rearing house should be well ventilated and fly proof.
Rearing appliances
Power sprayer, rearing stands, rearing trays, newsprint papers, nylon nets, basket for keeping leaves, gunny bags, cocooning mountage, Small plates for ant wells.
Recurring Materials: Disinfection before and after each rearing is considered the key for a successful cocoon harvest with Lime and disinfectant solution. Bleach & very little water for ant wells