Tosheka Products Applications and Implementation of our System for
Pre-Symptomatic Detection of Corona - 19
Considering the pace of the spread and lethal impact of Corona – 19 we are in desperate need of a quick, accurate, easily administered, non-invasive screening methods for Pre-Symptomatic Detection.
We have developed a system to provide instant screening of CORONA – 19 to stop the exposure, spread and save lives.
Covid-19 system
Our system is far superior than anything available, because the temperature detecting unit is only useful if the person develops a temperature as an early symptom which happens in 75 % of the people and will usually accure after 4 -7 days after the person is infected. During this period before the start of the temperature the person can be spreading the virus. The screening is quick, efficient, aprox. 95% accurate, mobile, can serve large number of people inexpensive; reduces exposure; transmission and give affected people an early warning isolation and treatment support. Provides businesses the ability to increase staff and with freedom of staff movement throughout their facilities without concerns of spreading the virus.
The system is designed to:
1. Quickly identify persons at risk in any location, isolate them and make sure they get follow-up testing and early medical intervention to save their lives and stop the spread of the disease.
2. To provide confidence to staff, visitors and employers that the environment is safe and free from person to person transmission.
3. To allow companies to operate with full staff capacity and reinforce social and repeated hand cleaning.
4. To support safe transport and reinvigorate the economy and stop job loss.
5. We will use and coordinate our dog teams to scan the surfaces in offices, public transport vehicles and hubs; hospitals, fright; packages and mail etc. to locate and mark the locations of Corona – 19 virus.
6. TP staff will do on site verification to confirm that our system is properly executed under terms of our license agreement for all projects and to verify quality assurance, compliance and safety.
7. The research and field experience of dog trainers shows that all most any breed of dog can be trained quickly to recognize and detect specific odors. Sniffer dogs can be quickly trained and deployed to detect the Corona – 19 viruses using an attenuated (muted) form of the virus so that it is no longer pathogenic to humans. The use of sniffer dogs to detect The Corona – 19 Virus
The Following is an Overview of Our System for Implementation:
We will be using the odor from sweat and breath of patient (which will free of virus) collected on clean swabs to provide the sent for training the dogs. In the field we will use both the sweat and breath of the people being screened to detect the smell of the virus.
1. The research and field experience of dog trainers shows that all most any breed of dog can be trained quickly to recognize and detect specific odors. Sniffer dogs can be quickly trained and deployed to detect the Corona – 19 virus.
2. We will work with the Kenyan Health Department to access and maintain control of Corona – 19 virus for training dogs under stick supervision. We use inactivated virus samples that ensure that the sputum is not contagious for the trainers and dogs.
3. We will immediately start testing and training of dogs, handlers and support staff so that we can provide services to the organizations currently providing vital public services.
4. During this period of lockdown and limited social contact these services will first be made available to Organizations, institutions and businesses that are provide vital public services to ensure a safe working environment and stop the spread of the virus.
5. Our trained Bio Detection dogs can scan the surfaces offices, public transport vehicles and hubs; hospitals, fright; packages and mail etc. to locate and mark the locations of Corona – 19 virus.
6. After the virus has been substantially contained and buildings and sites have been clean and sanitized, we can support the reentry and screening of the staff.
7. Basic testing procedure will include multiple dogs and handlers at entrances of desired locations (Schools; office buildings; transport hubs; airports; malls etc) to facilitate cross checking testing results.
8. First, our staff will be screened then and people will be screened through a questionnaire for coronavirus symptoms such as fever, cough; temperature; body acks; fatigue; stomach acks; diarrhea; vomiting; shortness of breath and foreign travel history.
9. As people approach these locations, they will be required to line up a two meters apart and our dogs will walk through the lines sniffing the people; clothing and personal items to assure they don’t carry the virus into a facility.
10. Next they will approach the testing area and blow into a balloon and seal it then pass it to our security staff to be screened by one or more dogs and disposed of. If the results are positive the person ID will be photographed; get phone number; job and living location and referred to authorities for further testing. The dog will be led to drink lemon water to washdown any potentially hazardous materials into their stomach. Others will receive a color-coded pass card stamped with their ID # and the date, indicating that on this date they were tested and cleared for the entry of this building or location.
11. This general screening pass will be good for reentry and any building, location that day.
12. For daily entry by staff to offices buildings we will use a pass card as above with 31 days indicated to be punched after daily testing.
13. We will be offering our services to business; industry, government and as a public service.
Note: This system is patented and can only be utilized under written authorization of Tosheka Products Kenya.